
Pupil absence must be notified to the school office on the morning of the first day of absence and a letter detailing reasons for that absence given on the pupils return. It is the legal responsibility of all parents to ensure that their children attend school regularly. If your child’s attendance falls below 90%, then this will trigger a letter to you as this is far too low, even with days off for sickness and medical emergencies. Pupils should not be kept off with minor coughs/colds and other minor ailments without a doctors note.

All pupils attending a clinic/dental/doctors or hospital appointment are required to notify school in advance and collect a written permission slip for an authorised absence from the main office. This authorisation request is in line with LA guidelines.

No authorised absence will be given in term time, unless very exceptional circumstances, which must be submitted in writing to the headteacher (ask for a form from the office). There is no guarantee that the school will agree that the circumstances are exceptional and the school’s decision on any submission is final.  If parents still choose to take their children out, it will be unauthorised, will go on the child’s record and parents will receive a fine from the Educational Welfare Officer. A re-occurrence of unauthorised absences will trigger an investigation by the EWO into your child’s attendance and this information will be passed on to your child’s High School. Please read the ‘Attendance Policy’ document on our website which highlights the importance of full attendance.