SATS Results

School Performance, Exam Results and OFSTED

Please visit the statutory reports page for reports on school's standards and other statutory reports.

Please see the following link that will direct you to the relevant page of the DfE school performance tables website.

You can read our 2023 OFSTED report online by clicking here.

At Barnston, we were thrilled and very proud of the results the pupils gained this year. This is a testament to the hard work, positive attitudes, resilience and determination of the amazing children here at Barnston. As always, the children were happy and smiling when walking in to sit their SATs tests and enjoyed showing off what they have learnt from all of our hard working Barnston staff team.

This information allows you to compare your child’s performance at the end of key stage 2 with the attainment of other year 6 pupils across Wirral and nationally in 2023. 

Please click on the links below to see the results tables and explanations of levels and sub-levels and assessment without levels. Please click on the link for DFE National Performance Tables below.


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