Sports Provision

At Barnston Primary we have excellent sports provision and facilities, with each child accessing 2 hours dedicated active time (PE sessions, Active Maths and English, Forest Schools), alongside a week block of 5 swimming sessions every year for Y3-6 and Bikeability for Y5/6. We use the Edsential PE Scheme that is tailored to the National Curriculum, complete with Medium term planning and an assessment overview. The progression of skills grids shows that the children have plenty of opportunity to revisit skills in order to perfect them and for knowledge to stick. In addition, we employ a Sports Specialist to cover the PE sessions each week in every class. All of this ensures that any improvements we make through our use of Sports Premium spending and through our commitment to Specialist Sports Providers are sustainable.
The children are taught progressive skills and differentiation takes place in lessons to enable children to make progress at all levels. Assessments are made at the end of every term and lesson plans are quality controlled by the PE subject leader, Edsential and the Headteacher. All the provision is monitored to make sure that the standard is high and that all children are receiving good to outstanding lessons.
Barnston also has a number of high quality sports clubs that are extra-curricular or at lunchtime, with competitions organised across schools in football, cross-country running and athletics. The competitions are always focused on ensuring that as many children, across the school, are involved. Every child has the ability to be a sports person - they just need to find the right sport.
98% of our Y6 pupils in 2022/23 can swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres, the other 22% being able to swim 15 metres varying the strokes. 100% can use a range of strokes effectively and perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations. We are proud of the fact that at Barnston swimming is delivered Y3-6 and the pupils are able to build on skills in previous years.