
Clerk to the Governors
Barnston Primary School
Sandham Grove
Wirral, CH60 1XW
The Governing Body consists of:
1 x Headteacher Governor (ex-officio and classed as a staff governor):
Mrs Lynsey Thompson-Broom.
1 x Local Authority Governor (approved by LA):
Mr Roy Wood
2 x Parent Governors:
Mrs Amy Winter, Chair of Governors
Mrs Jessica English
6 Co-opted Governors (chosen by the governing body for their expertise):
Mrs Ailsa Griffin, Vice Chair of Governors
Mr Anthony Hannaway
Mrs Sarah Jones
Mr Matt Robinson
Mr Will Swaney
1 x Staff Governors (voted on by school staff):
Mr Martin Pipe

Our Governing Body
Barnston Primary School is run by a Governing Body working with the headteacher, Mrs L Thompson-Broom and her senior management. We aim to ensure that pupils receive an excellent, all-round education. Members of the Governing Body are made up from teachers, parents and members of the local community.
We meet once a term for our full Governing Body meetings and all of our Governors are members of sub-committees, which deal with specific issues relating to Curriculum, Finance, Resources and Personnel. The sub-committees meet regularly and feed back to the full Governing Body. All of the governors perform their role on a voluntary basis.
If you wish to contact any school governor it should be done through the Chair of Governors and any correspondence sent to the school office marked for the attention of the Chair of Governors. Governors should not be contacted at their home addresses - please respect their privacy.
If you wish to contact a member of the Governing Body or require further information on being a governor, please contact the Clerk to Governors: Email