Uniform Policy

Uniform Policy at a Glance
Children can wear (all year round):
any colour outdoor coat that is suitable for the current weather. For example, a padded waterproof coat in the winter months;
a school tie;
a white shirt, blouse or polo shirt;
a grey trousers, skirt, pinafore, shorts;
a black pullover or cardigan with or without a school badge;
white, black or grey socks; and
black shoes or completely black trainers.
Children can wear the following in the summer months:
white short sleeved shirts, blouses or polo shirts;
yellow dresses of either 1/4 inch gingham or stripes; and
completely black or white shoes or trainers.
If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact the school – we are happy to help!
Summer uniform doesn’t start at any set time; parents can choose to change to summer uniform as soon as the weather starts to improve, as some years this is before Easter.
Children are encouraged to wear yellow sunhats, sunglasses and sunscreen in the summer months - children must apply the sunscreen themselves or parents apply this in the morning.
Children should also be provided with a pair of black or white pumps/clean trianers for indoors, socks (if girls are wearing tights to school) black/white shorts and white T-shirt (available for purchase from the Parents' Association), kept in a named draw-string bag. Middle and Upper Primary pupils require games clothes (joggers for outside games).
Barnston Primary School uniform is distributed at a charitable organisation where you can find everything that your child may need. Please find information on their website. https://wirralfuss.co.uk/