Useful Maths Links
https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/daily10 is s great all round website for all areas of maths. It is particularly great for mental maths and number bonds for KS1. There is also doubling/halving and addition/subtraction/multiplication and division at various levels of difficulty. The website also includes rounding challenges, ordering and lots more! Brilliant for fact recall!
Whiterose 1 minute maths
This is an excellent app for all the number operations as well as subitising and it is free on the whiterose website. This is an excellent resource for the 4 operations which underpin all maths areas.
BBC bitesize KS1and KS1 is great for all areas of maths including lots of games and animated support to engage children. You will find everything maths related you are looking for on this website.
This website has lots of interactive games for children in lots of areas of maths.
This website has lots of games to support learning in KS1and KS2. You can search by topic e.g place value or odds and evens. This website is great for younger children.
Timestables Rockstars
All children across KS1 and KS2 are registered on this and they will have a login to use. Please let your child's teacher know if it needs replaced.